
قطع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə قطع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

قطع / قسم / تقسيم / جزء
section [Industry: Milling]

قَطَعَ: قَصّ، بَتَرَ، فَصَلَ
to cut, cut off, sever, slit; to chop off, lop off; to fell, hew, cut down (a tree); to amputate; to break; to divide, section; to segment; to sunder, separate, disconnect, tear (apart)

قَطَعَ: شَطَرَ، صالَبَ
to intersect, cross, cut across, split

قَطَعَ: أوْقَفَ
to stop, suspend, discontinue, cease, halt, interrupt, break, cut, end, put an end to, terminate

قَطَعَ: قاطَعَ أثْنَاءَ الحَدِيث
ـ انظر: قاطَعَ

قَطَعَ (عن): مَنَعَ
to prevent (from), hinder (from); to forbid (to), prohibit (from)

قَطَعَ: اِجْتَازَ، عَبَرَ
to cross, traverse, go across, pass through (across, over); to ford (a river); to cover (a distance)

قَطَعَ: حَسَمَ، خَصَمَ، طَرَحَ
ـ انظر: اِقْتَطَعَ

قَطَعَ: جَزَمَ، أكّدَ، بَتّ
to dogmatize, assert or affirm authoritatively, state positively, say with certainty; to be positive (about), be absolutely certain (about), be perfectly sure (of)

to cut up, cut into pieces (into parts, into slices), carve; to divide, partition, section, separate; to segment; to dismember; to tear (apart), rip (apart), rend, rive, lacerate

قَطْعٌ: قَصٌّ، بَتْرٌ، فَصْلٌ
cutting, cutting off, cutoff, severance; chopping off, lopping off; felling, hewing, cutting down (of a tree); amputation; scission, section(ing), dividing; segmentation; break(ing); sundering, separation, disconnection

قَطْع: إيْقَاف، وَقْف
stoppage, stop(ping), halt(ing), cessation, discontinuation, discontinuance, suspension, interruption, shutoff, break

قَطْع: اِجْتِيَاز، عُبُور
crossing, traversing, traversal, going across, passing through (across, over); fording (of a river); covering (of a distance)

قَطْع: حَسْم، خَصْم، طَرْح
ـ انظر: اِقْتِطاع

قَطْع: جَزْم، تَأكِيد
dogmatization, (authoritative) assertion; being positive (about)

قَطْع (الكِتَابِ): قِيَاس، حَجْم
format, size (of a book)

قَطْع [هندسة]

قَطْع: صِرَافَةُ النُقُود، كَمْبِيُو
exchange, money exchange

قَطْع: عُمْلَة، نَقْد
currency, money

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