
فتر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə فتر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

ـ انظر: فُتُور

فَتَرَ (الماءُ)
to become tepid, become lukewarm, tepefy, cool off

فَتَرَ: سَكَنَ، هَدَأَ
to abate, subside, let up; to calm down, cool down

فَتَرَ: تَرَاخَى، ضَعُفَ
to languish, flag, lag, slacken, relax, sag, droop, weaken gradually, grow weak or tired, lose strength, become less intense

فَتّرَ (الماءَ)
to tepefy, make tepid or lukewarm

فَتّرَ: سَكّنَ، هَدَّأَ
to allay, mitigate, ease, soothe, abate; to cool, calm

فَتّرَ: أضْعَفَ
to weaken, enfeeble, sap, make languid, make listless

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