
صد nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə صد nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

صَدٍ (الصّدِي): شَدِيدُ العَطَش
very thirsty

صَدّ: دَرْء، رَدّ، مَنْع
repulsion, repulse, repelling, driving back or away, keeping off or back, holding off, warding off, parry(ing), fending off, staving off, averting, turning away; check(ing), rebuff(ing), stop(ping); forcing out, shutting out; hindering, preventing, prevention

صَدّ: رَدْع، مَنْع
deterrence, determent, deterring, keeping, holding, prevention, restraint, inhibition, dissuasion, discouragement

صَدّ (عن): إعْراض، صُدُود
turning away (from), avoidance, shunning; alienation, disinclination, disaffection

صَدّ: دَرَأ، رَدّ، مَنَعَ
to repel, repulse, drive back or away, keep off or back, hold off, ward off, parry, fend off, stave off, avert, turn away; to check, rebuff, stop; to force out, put out, shut out, foreclose; to hinder, prevent

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