
شطب nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə شطب nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

شَطَبَ: شَقّ، شَرّحَ
to scarify, scratch, incise, slit, slash; cut, make incisions into; to slice, cut into slices

شَطَبَ: حَذَفَ، مَحَا
to strike off, strike out, cross out, scratch out, write off, cancel, delete; to eliminate, remove, take off, take out; to erase, efface, expunge

شَطَبَ (حافّةَ الزّجَاجِ إلخ)
to bevel, chamfer

شَطْب: شَقّ، شِقّ
slash, slit, incision, cut

شَطْب: حَذْف، مَحْو
striking off, striking out, crossing out, scratching out, writing off, cancellation, deletion; elimination, removal; erasure, effacement

شَطْب (حافّةِ الزّجَاجِ إلخ)
beveling, chamfering

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