
رفع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə رفع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

رفع / ارتفاع
elevation [Industry: Milling]

رَفَعَ: عَلّى
to raise, lift (up), uplift, hoist (up), elevate, boost, upraise, upheave, jack up, hike, up

رَفَعَ: زادَ
to raise, increase, step up, boost, hike, up, scale up, jack up, skyrocket; to heighten, intensify, enhance

رَفَعَ: رَقّى
ـ انظر: رَفّعَ

رَفَعَ: بَنَى، شَيّدَ
to raise, erect, set up, put up, build, construct

رَفَعَ: أزَالَ
to remove, take away, eliminate; to lift, raise, end, put an end to

رَفُعَ: سَمَا
to be or become high, high-ranking

رَفُعَ: رَقّ، دَقّ
to be or become thin, fine, delicate

رَفّعَ: رَقّى
to promote, raise, advance, upgrade, uplift, elevate

رَفّعَ: رَقّقَ
to thin (out), make thin; to fine, make fine

رَفْع: تَعْلِيَة
raising, lifting (up), uplift(ing), hoist(ing), elevation, boosting, hiking

رَفْع: زِيَادَة
raising, increasing, stepping up, scaling up, hiking; heightening, intensification, enhancement; rise, increase, hike, step-up; raise

رَفْع: تَرْقِيَة
promotion, advancement, uplift(ing), upgrading

رَفْع: تَشْيِيد
raising, erection, setting up, putting up, building, construction

رَفْع: إزَالَة
removal, elimination, taking away; lift(ing), raising, ending, putting an end to

رَفْع: تَقْدِيم، إحَالَة
submission, filing, referring, referral, reference, presenting, delivering, rendering

رَفْع، حالَةُ الرّفْع [لغة]
nominative (case), indicative (mood)

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