
دق nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə دق nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

دق / تنقية / تطهير
purification [Industry: Milling]

دَقّ: رَقّ
to be or become thin, fine, delicate, slender, tenuous

دَقّ: صَغُرَ
to be or become small, little, tiny, minute

دَقّ: صَعُبَ، غَمُضَ
to be or become subtle, obscure, abstruse

دَقّ: سَحَقَ، سَحَنَ
to pound, grind, crush, bruise, bray, powder, beat, stamp, pulverize, comminute, pestle, triturate

دَقّ: طَرَقَ، خَبَطَ
to hammer, percuss, strike, knock, hit, beat, bang, tap

دَقّ: سَحْق، سَحْن
pounding, grinding, crushing, bruising, braying, powdering, beating, stamping, pulverization, comminution, pestling, trituration

دَقّ: طَرْق، خَبْط، قَرْع
hammering, percussion, striking, hitting, beating, banging, tapping; knock(ing), rap(ping), ring(ing), toll(ing)

دِقّ: دَقيق
ـ انظر: دَقِيق

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