
حكم nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حكم nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَكَمَ: أدَارَ، سَاسَ، قادَ
to rule, reign, dominate, sway, hold sway over, have power over; to govern, administer, manage, direct, run, lead, control, regulate

حَكَمَ: أمَرَ، فَرَضَ
to order, command, direct, dictate; to enjoin, ordain, decree, prescribe

حَكَمَ (قَضَائِيّا على أو لـ): قَضَى
to decide, judge, rule, adjudicate, adjudge, pass (pronounce, deliver, give, render) a judgment or sentence or decision or ruling or verdict (against or in favor of); to sentence, impose or inflict (a penalty on); to find (for), award (to)

حَكُمَ: صارَ حَكِيماً
to be or become wise, judicious

حَكّمَ: جَعَلَهُ حاكِماً
to appoint (or choose) as ruler

حَكّمَ (في أو بَيْنَ): جَعَلَهُ حَكَماً
to appoint (or choose) as arbitrator (in, over, between)

حَكّمَ (في): فَوّضَ، وَلّى
to empower, authorize, invest with power or authority, give a free hand to; to put in charge of; to entrust with, charge with, commission with

حَكّمَ: لَجَأَ إلى، اِسْتَعَانَ بِـ، اِسْتَعْمَلَ
to resort to, have recourse to, turn to, make use of, use, employ, apply

حُكْم: إدَارَة، قِيَادَة، سُلْطَة، سَيْطَرَة
rule; government, administration, management; direction; running, leading, leadership; control, command, dominion, authority, power, sway, reign

حُكْم، مُدّةُ الحُكْم: عَهْد، وِلاَيَة
reign, rule, period (of rule), regime, time

حُكْم: قَرَار، قَضَاء
judgment, decision, sentence, ruling, holding, verdict, award, adjudication

حُكْم: نَصّ، شَرْط (كأحْكَامِ مُعَاهَدَةٍ أو قانُونَ أو مادّة)
provision, stipulation, term, clause; principle, precept, rule

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