
حفظ nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حفظ nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَفِظَ: صانَ، وَقَى
to keep, preserve, protect, guard, safeguard, shield, defend, secure; to maintain, sustain, uphold, vindicate, keep up, retain, hold; to have in custody, take custody of; to save, conserve, store, put away; to reserve

حَفِظَ: اِلْتَزَمَ، بِـ، اِحْتَرَمَ، نَفّذَ
to observe, comply with, abide by, adhere to, stick to, conform to, follow, keep (to), maintain, respect, honor, live up to, keep faith with, make good; to carry out, execute, fulfill, perform, meet

حَفِظَ (عن ظَهْرِ قَلْب), حَفِظَ غَيْباً: اِسْتَظْهَرَ
to memorize, learn by heart, commit to memory, con; to know by heart

حَفّظَ(ـهُ شَيْئاً)
to have someone memorize, something, make someone learn something by heart; to drill (in); to inculcate (in)

حِفْظ: صَوْن، وقَايَة
keeping, preservation, protection, (safe)guarding, safekeeping, defense, defending, securing; maintenance, susten(ta)tion, upholding, vindication, upkeep, keeping up, retention, retaining, storing; custody; conservation, saving, storage, storing; reservation

حِفْظ: مُرَاعاة، اِحْتِرَام، تَقَيّدٌ بِـ، تَنْفِيذ
observance of, observing, compliance with, abidance by, adherence to, following, keeping (to), maintaining, living up to, honoring, respect; carrying out, execution, fulfillment, performance

حِفْظ: اِسْتِظْهار
memorization, memorizing, learning by heart, conning

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