
حشر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حشر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَشَرَ: أقْحَمَ، رَصّ، زَحَمَ
to wedge, cram, ram; to insert, interject; to stuff; to squeeze; to congest; to jam (together), crowd (together), pack (tight), serry, press, compress, impact, crush, push; to thrust, shove

حَشَرَ: جَمَعَ
to gather, assemble, crowd, congregate, overcrowd

حَشَرَ: بَعَثَ منَ المَوْت، نَشَرَ
to resurrect, raise from the dead

حَشْر: إقْحام، رَصّ
wedging, cramming, ramming; insertion, interjection; stuffing; squeezing, squeeze; congestion; jamming, crowding, packing, pressing, pushing

حَشْر: جَمْع
gathering, assembling, assemblage, crowding, congregation, overcrowding,

حَشْر: بَعْث، قيَامَة

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