
حسن nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حسن nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَسَن: جَمِيل
handsome, beautiful, graceful, pretty, comely, lovely, good-looking, sightly, shapely, dainty, fair; nice, agreeable, pleasant

حَسَن: جَيّد
good; fine, well

ـ انظر: حَسُنَ

حَسُنَ: كانَ حَسَناً
to be or become handsome, beautiful, lovely, pretty, comely, graceful, nice; to be or become good, fine, well

حَسّنَ: جَوّدَ
to improve, ameliorate, better, upgrade, make better

حَسّنَ: جَمّلَ، زَيّنَ
to beautify, pretty up; to adorn, embellish, decorate, garnish

حُسْن: جَمَال
beauty, grace(fulness), prettiness, handsomeness, loveliness, comeliness, shapeliness, charms

حُسْن: جُوْدَة
goodness, excellence, fineness, fine quality; superiority; perfection

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