
شدة nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə شدة nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَزّة، وَقْتٌ عَصِيب، شِدّة، مَأزق
nick of time, time of need, critical moment, crucial time, juncture, pass, emergency, contingency, exigency, pinch, straits, crisis; distress, trouble, hardship, adversity; dilemma, plight, predicament, fix

شَدّة: المَرّة مِنْ شَدّ (سَحَبَ، جَرّ)
pull, draw, drag, tug

شَدّة: نَبْرَة
accent, stress, emphasis

شَدّة: وَرَقُ اللّعِب
playing cards, deck, pack

شِدّة: قُوّة، عُنْف
strength, power, force(fulness), violence, vehemence, intensity, intension, severity, sternness, austerity, stringency, rigor(ism), hardness, harshness

شِدّة: ضِيْق، عُسْر
distress, hardship, difficulty, trouble, suffering, adversity, misfortune; straits, pinch; straitened circumstances, need(iness), lack, want

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