
حذف nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حذف nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حَذَفَ: شَطَبَ، أسْقَطَ
to delete, cancel, strike out, strike off, scratch (out), expunge, cross out, cross off, write off; to eliminate, remove, cut out, take out; to omit, leave out, drop, skip; to take away, clip off

حَذَفَ: طَرَحَ، حَسَمَ
to deduct, subtract, discount, take off

حَذَفَ [لغة]
to elide, apocopate

حَذّفَ: هَذّبَ، سَوّى
to trim, clip; to do up, make, dress

حَذْف: شَطْب، إسْقاط
deletion, cancellation, canceling, striking out, striking off, scratching (out), expunction, crossing out, crossing off, writing off; elimination, removal, taking out; omission, omitting, leaving out, dropping, skipping; taking away, clipping off

حَذْف: طَرْح، حَسْم
deduction, subtraction, discount

حَذْف [لغة]
elision, apocopation, aphaeresis, ellipsis

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