
حجر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حجر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حجر / نواة / يصقل
stone [Industry: Milling]


حَجَر (في صِنَاعَةِ السّاعات)

حَجَرَ (على)
to limit someone's legal competence; to place under guardianship (after declaring legally incompetent); to interdict, enjoin (from), prohibit (from), forbid (from); to prevent (from); to restrain, detain; to deny access to

حَجّرَ: حَوّلَ إلى حَجَر
to petrify, turn into stone

حَجّرَ: حَفّرَ
to fossilize

حَجّرَ: صَلّبَ، قَسّى
to concrete, solidify, harden, stiffen, indurate

حَجْر (على)
limitation of someone's legal competence; placing someone under guardianship (after declaring him legally incompetent); interdiction, prohibition, forbidding; prevention; restraint, detention; denying access to

حُجْر، حِجْر: حَرَام، مُحَرّم
forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, banned; taboo

حُجْر، حِجْر: حَرَام، مُحَرّم
forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, banned; taboo

حُجْر، حِجْر: حِضْن

حُجْر، حِجْر: حِضْن

حِجْر: فَرَس

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