
جمع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə جمع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

جَمَعَ: ضَمّ، وَصَلَ، حَشَدَ
to gather, collect; to pick (up); to combine, group; to join, unite, conjoin, connect, couple, pair; to assemble, put together, piece together, fit together, joint; to raise, collect (funds, money, contributions, etc.); to aggregate; to accumulate; amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to assemble, bring together, congregate, crowd, rally, round up; to band; to muster, summon

جَمَعَ: اِحْتَوَى، شَمَلَ
to contain, comprise, include, comprehend, encompass, embrace, embody, hold, take in, cover

جَمَعَ: عَقَدَ، دَعَا إلى اجْتِمَاع
to assemble, convene, convoke, call (together), summon

to accumulate, amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to gather, collect; to assemble, put together, fit together, join, unite, group, bring together; to aggregate; to congregate, crowd, rally, round up; to concentrate, mass (troops, etc.)

جَمْع: ضَمّ، وَصْل، حَشْد
gathering, collecting, collection; picking (up); combination, combining, grouping; joining, junction, uniting, union, conjunction, conjoining, connection, connecting, coupling, pairing; assemblage, assembling, assembly, putting together, piecing together, fitting together; raising, collection (of funds, money, contributions, etc.); aggregation; accumulation, amassment, piling up, heaping up, stacking; congregation, crowding, rallying, rounding up; banding; mustering, summoning

جَمْع: تَصْنِيف، تَألِيف (الكُتُبِ)
compilation, composition, writing

جَمْع [لغة]

جَمْع: حَشْد (مِنَ النّاس)
ـ انظر: تَجَمّع

جُمْع (الكَفّ أو اليَدِ)
fist, clenched hand

Ərəbca - İngiliscə lüğətdə Ərəbca جمع sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Ərəbca dilindəki جمع sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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