
تعهد nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تعهد nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

تَعَهّد: رِعَايَة
care, charge, protection, custody, keeping, guardianship; maintenance, upkeep, servicing

تَعَهّد: اِلْتِزام
commitment, engagement, obligation, pledge, undertaking, vow, promise

تَعَهّدَ: رَعَى
to take care of, care for, look after, look to, attend to, see to, tend, nurse, watch over, keep, devote one's attention to; to maintain, keep up, service; to cultivate, develop, improve, promote, further, foster, nurture; to sponsor, patronize

تَعَهّدَ (بِـ): اِلْتَزَمَ
to undertake, take upon oneself, assume, bind oneself, commit oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself, pledge, vow, promise; to be or become bound (by), committed (by)

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