تعرض لـ

تعرض لـ nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تعرض لـ nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

تَعَرّضٌ لِـ: كَوْنُ الشّيْءِ هَدَفاً أو عُرْضَةً لِـ، مُوَاجَهَة
exposure to, incurrence of, being or becoming subject to; encounter(ing), being confronted with, being faced with

تَعَرّضٌ لِـ: تَصَدّ، مُجَابَهَة
resistance, opposition, confrontation, facing, challenge, standing up to, withstanding

تَعَرّضٌ لِـ: تَدَخّل، تَحَرّش
interference with, meddling in, intrusion upon; molestation; having words with

تَعَرّضٌ لِـ: بَحْث، تَصَدّ
touching on, dealing with, treatment, treating, going into; consideration, examination, exploration, survey(ing), study(ing), discussion; undertaking, embarking upon, setting out to, turning to, applying oneself to

تَعَرّضَ لِـ: كانَ هَدَفاً أو عُرْضَةً لِـ، واجَهَ
to be or become exposed to subject(ed) to, open to, liable to, vulnerable to, susceptible to; to come under; to incur, contract; to meet, face, encounter, find oneself up against, be confronted with, be faced with

تَعَرّضَ لِـ: تَصَدّى لِـ، جابَهَ
to resist, oppose, face, confront, challenge, defy, stand up to, withstand

تَعَرّضَ لِـ: تَدَخّلَ في، تَحَرّشَ بِـ
to interfere with, meddle in, intrude upon; to molest; to have words with

تَعَرّضَ لِـ: تَطَرّقَ لِـ، بَحَثَ، تَصَدّى لِـ
to touch on, deal with, treat, go into; to consider, examine, explore, survey, study, discuss; to undertake, embark upon, set out to, turn to, apply oneself to

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