
تدرج nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تدرج nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

gradual advance(ment) or progress, progression (by steps); successive steps; gradation, graduation, graduating, grading; training, traineeship, apprenticeship

تَدَرّجَ (إلى): تَقَدّمَ، اِرْتَقَى، صَعِدَ
to advance (proceed, approach, go) step by step (to), graduate (to); to progress by steps, make gradual progress; to rise (ascend, go up) gradually

تَدَرّجَ: تَألّفَ مِنْ (أوْ قُسّمَ إلى) دَرَجَات
to gradate, grade, be or become graduated or graded or gradated

تَدَرّجَ: تَمَرّنَ، تَدَرّبَ، تَمَهّنَ
to train, be trained; to be apprenticed; to be or become a trainee or an apprentice

تَدْرُج، تُدْرُج (طائر)

تَدْرُج، تُدْرُج (طائر)

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