
تخلل nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تخلل nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

تَخَلّل: تَوَسّط
intervention, interposition, intermediacy, intermediateness

تَخَلّل: نَفَاذ، اِخْتِرَاق
permeation, permeance, pervasion, percolation, (inter)penetration, infiltration, spreading through(out)

تَخَلّل: صَيْرُورَةُ الشّيْءِ خَلاّ

تَخَلّلَ: تَوَسّطَ
to intervene, interpose, intermediate, lie (fall, occur, be, come, go) between or in between

تَخَلّلَ: نَفَذَ، اِخْتَرَق
to permeate, pervade, percolate, (inter) penetrate, infiltrate, spread through (out)

تَخَلّلَ: نَقّى أسْنَانَهُ
to pick the teeth

تَخَلّلَ: صارَ خَلاّ
to acetify

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