
تحفظ nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تحفظ nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

تَحَفّظ: اِحْتِيَاط
reserve, reservation; (self-)restraint, aloofness, reticence, closeness, discretion

تَحَفّظ: اِحْتِرَاز
caution, cautiousness, wariness, circumspection; care(fulness), watchfulness; precaution, precautionary measure

تَحَفّظ: شَرْط، بَنْدٌ شَرْطِيّ
reservation, proviso, limiting condition, conditional stipulation

تَحَفّظَ (عَنْ أو مِنْ): اِحْتَاطَ، اِحْتَرَزَ
to have reservations, make reservations; to be reserved, aloof, reticent, discreet; to be cautious of, be wary of, beware of, guard against, be on one's guard against; to take care, take precautions, be careful, watch out

تَحَفّظَ: اِسْتَظْهَرَ
to memorize, learn by heart, commit to memory, con

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