
توقف nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə توقف nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

توقف / توقيف / انسداد
stoppage [Industry: Milling]

تَوَقّف: وَقْف، وُقُوف
stop(page), stopping, halt(ing); arrest

تَوَقّف (مُؤَقّت)
pause, pausing, (temporary) stop

تَوَقّف (عن): اِنْقطاع، كَفّ
stop(page), stopping, cessation, halt(ing), standstill, termination, suspension, shutoff, shutdown; interruption, discontinuity, discontinuance, discontinuation; desistance, abstention, refrainment

تَوَقّفْ: تَعَطّل
breakdown, failure

تَوَقّفَ: وَقَفَ
to stop, halt, cease to move on, come to a stop or standstill

تَوَقّفَ (مُؤَقّتاً)
to pause, suspend, stop (temporarily)

تَوَقّفَ: اِنْتَهَى
to stop, cease, halt, discontinue, come to an end, end, terminate, come to a close, come to a stop or halt or standstill; to be stopped, discontinued, ceased, halted, suspended, interrupted, broken, ended

تَوَقّفَ (في): تَرَدّدَ
to hesitate, waver

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