
تابع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə تابع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

تابِع: تالٍ، لاحِق
following, succeeding, subsequent, sequent

تابِع: مُضَاف، مَضْمُوم
attached, added, appended, annexed, joined, subjoined

تابِع: إضَافِيّ، مُلْحَق
appurtenant, appendant, accessory, auxiliary, ancillary, supplementary, subsidiary; accompanying, attendant, collateral, concomitant

تابِع: مُلْحَق، إضَافَة، ذَيْل
appendage, adjunct, appurtenance; addition, addendum, annex, attachment, appendix, supplement

تابِع: ثانَوِيّ
secondary, minor, subsidiary, tributary, accessory, ancillary, sub-,side

تابِع: خاضِع، مَرْؤوس
subordinate, subaltern, inferior; subject, vassal; under someone, under someone's control (authority, command); dependent; subsidiary; heteronomous

تابِع: خادِم
servant, retainer, follower, factotum

تابِع: نَصِير
follower, adherent, partisan, disciple

تابِع: مُوَاطِن
subject, national, citizen

تابِع [رياضيات ومنطق]

تابِع [لغة]
appositive; apposition

تابِع: قَمَر، كَوْكَبٌ سَيّارٌ يَدُورُ حَوْلَ كَوْكَبٍ أكْبَرَ مِنْهُ [فلك]
satellite, moon

تَابَعَ: اِسْتَمَر، واصَلَ، اِسْتَأنَفَ
to continue, go on, carry on, proceed; to continue to do, keep doing, keep on (doing), keep (up), go on doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to, adhere to; to resume, recommence, renew, begin again

تابَعَ: تَبِعَ، لاحَقَ، تَعَقّبَ
to follow; to pursue, follow up; to chase, trail, track, trace, run after, go after

تابَعَ: راقَبَ، لاحَظَ، دَرَسَ
to watch, observe, see, look closely at; to mark, pay attention to, take notice of; to study, examine, scrutinize, inquire into

تابَعَ: بَحَثَ عن
to look for, search for

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