
بسط nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə بسط nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

بَسَطَ: مَدّ، نَشَرَ
to spread (out), outspread, stretch out, outstretch, extend, expand; to unfold, unroll, unwind, open, roll out

بَسَطَ: مَهّدَ، سَوّى
to level (off), even, flatten, flat, grade

بَسَطَ: عَرَضَ، شَرَحَ
to set forth, present, lay open; to explain, expound, elucidate

بَسَطَ: سَرّ
to please, delight, gladden, cheer (up), make happy

بَسُطَ: كانَ بَسِيطاً
to be simple, plain; to be light, slight, trivial; to be naive, ingenuous, artless

بَسّطَ: سَهّلَ، يَسّرَ
to simplify, make simple; to facilitate, make easy

بَسّطَ: مَدّ، نَشَرَ
ـ انظر: بَسَطَ

بَسّطَ: مَهّدَ، سَوّى
ـ انظر: بَسَطَ

بَسْط: مَدّ
extension, expansion, spreading, stretching, unfolding, unrolling, opening

بَسْط: تَمْهِيد
leveling (off), flattening, grading

بَسْط: عَرْض
setting forth, presentation, laying open, exposition, explanation, expounding, elucidation

بَسْط: سُرُور
delight, pleasure, joy, happiness

بَسْط: صُورَةُ الكَسْر [رياضيات]

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