
اتباع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə اتباع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

اِتّبَاع: سَيْرٌ خَلْفَ كَذَا
following, going after, proceeding after, coming after

اِتّبَاع: تَبَنّ
following, pursuing; adoption, adopting, taking up

اِتّبَاع: اِلْتِزام، تَقَيّدٌ بِـ
observance, observing, compliance with, abidance by, adherence to, sticking to, keeping (to), following, maintaining

اِتّبَاع: اِقْتِداءٌ بِـ
imitation, copying, taking after, patterning after, following the example of

اِتّبَاع: مُطَارَدَة، مُلاَحَقَة، تَعَقّب
following, pursuing, pursuit, chasing, chase, going after, taking after, running after, hunt(ing), trailing, tracking, tracing

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