
واجه nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə واجه nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

واجَهَ: كانَ مُوَاجِهاً لِـ، كانَ أمَامَ
to face, front, subtend; to be opposite (to), in front of, facing

واجَهَ: قابَلَ وَجْهاً لِوَجْه
to face, meet face to face, confront, encounter

واجَهَ: اِجْتَمَعَ إلى
to meet (with), have a meeting with; to interview, have an interview or audience with, see (personally), speak personally to

واجَهَ: لاقَى، لَقِيَ، صادَفَ
to face, be faced with, be confronted with, find oneself in the face of; to encounter, meet with, come upon, come across, run across, light upon

واجَهَ: جابَهَ، تَصَدّى لِـ
to confront, face, meet (with), encounter, face up to, front, defy, challenge, counter, stand up to, withstand, show a bold front to; to cope with, deal with, grapple with

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