
هجر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə هجر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

هَجَرَ: تَرَكَ
to desert, forsake, abandon; to turn one's back on, keep away from; to separate oneself from, dissociate oneself from, break off from, break away with, break (up) with, part (company) with, walk out on, leave, quit; to give up, relinquish, renounce, forgo; to disuse, stop using

هَجّرَ: شَرّدَ
to displace, drive away, make homeless, dislodge, force to emigrate

هَجْر: تَرْك
desertion, abandonment, forsaking; separation, breakaway, break up; leaving; relinquishment, renunciation, giving up; disuse

هَجْر: نِصْفُ النّهَار، زَوَال
midday, noon

هَجْر: شِدّةُ الحَرّ
midday heat, hottest time of the day

هُجْر، هَجْراء: كَلاَمٌ قَبِيح
obscene language, obscenity

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