
لف nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə لف nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

لَفّ: مَصْدَر لَفّ
wrapping (up), rolling (up), folding (up), furl(ing); winding, coiling, spooling, curl(ing); twist(ing) twining, twine; enveloping, covering, enfolding, enwrapping, lapping, swathing, swaddling; involution; detour, circumvention

لَفّ: سِلْكٌ مُوَصّلٌ مَلْفُوف

لَفّ: طَوَى
to wrap up, roll up, fold up, furl; to wind, coil, spool, reel, convolute, curl; to twist, twine

لَفّ: غَطّى، غَلّفَ
to envelop, cover, wrap, enfold, infold, enwrap, lap, swathe, swaddle

لَفّ: أحَاطَ بِـ، طَوّقَ
to surround, envelop, wrap, encompass, encircle, environ, enclose, embrace, circle, ring

لَفّ: دارَ، دَوّمَ
to whirl, reel, spin, twirl, go around, gyrate, rotate, revolve, turn, swirl, eddy

لَفّ (حَوْلَ): اِنْعَطَفَ، دارَ
to detour (around), turn (around), make a turn (around)

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